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1919 Louetta Point Circle Springs, TX 77388


Each year your donations to the Love Fund will support many important financial initiatives, such as attracting and maintaining top-notch faculty, creating new and innovative curricula and programs and offering scholarships to deserving applicants.

The generosity from our supporters, community partners and friends is crucial in assisting with the immediate needs of the organization. Your annual gift makes a real difference to all who work and impact here−it ensures that these imperative initiatives remain possible. Please consider the Love Fund as one of your top charitable priorities this year.

The Impact You Make

Did you know that more than 73% of active non-profit organizations depend on federal funding just to keep their doors open? The difference, in part, is made up through contributions from grant programs, partnerships and community donors.


  • Attracting and maintaining top-notch faculty.
  • Creating new and innovative curricula and programs.
  • Offering scholarships and need-based financial aid to deserving applicants.
  • Providing necessary tools and supplies.
  • Keeping our residence buildings and community comfortable and safe.
  • Keeping our library up-to-date with the information our members need to enhance their educational experience.

To make an Annual Fund gift complete the online giving form and designate the Continual Love option. Your support is greatly appreciated.  


Love Solutions Group, manages all giving opportunities and we're always available to take your questions.